Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Business --- Fragrances

Like any modern pinay wife, I also need to earn extra moolah aside from what I am earning from work for my personal use and to also help the hubby on the finances. So I decided to start a business, partnered with our entrepreneur-friend. Our products are fragrances made affordable for everyday use. Our fragrances are manufactured locally but the raw materials are sourced from France and Switzerland that is why each and every fragrance we offer guarantees to have a lasting scent. So far, everything is doing good, and I am loving the buyers' feedback I am getting. At first, buyers are buying just for their personal use but eventually they come back to purchase more, to find out that they are also reselling the fragrances!! It's good to know that I also get to help other people earn from my products. I came up with different dealers' packages so they can choose what package to suit their budget. They can start reselling these products and it does not require them to have much capital. And the buyers and resellers are growing and growing, I am so loving it!



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