Friday, November 6, 2009

The first solid food experience


Bon Gourno!!

I excitedly waited for the sixth month to arrive for it is the month I supposed to give my little one solid food. November 1,2009 to be exact was his first taste of solids. We were actually in Holy Cross Memorial Park obviously for the All Saints Day and it was almost like a fiesta with the amount of food served. I eyed a chicken macaroni soup, one of my favorites, and scooped a generous amount for myself. I found Migo, who was just beside me, watching and as if salivating for what I was having. I just then found myself giving him some of the soup and he was so liking it. My titas encouraged me to give him some of the macaroni, but I was having second thoughts for he might not yet be ready for that kind of solid (solid for me then was just cerelac and mashed vegies). One of my titas grabbed my spoon, smashed the macaroni into a smooth texture, put a bit of a soup to just make it kinda slimy, and put it in Migo's mouth. Migo finished everything and he was asking
for more!!

Right there, I learned my son was really ready for some solid food.

Monday, the day after, I cooked lugaw for my little one. I figured I should give him food with less to almost no taste at all so he would not be too picky with his food. I prepared lugaw with no amount of salt or sugar in it, I just made sure that it was really soft and tender for him. I had no solid food stuff on hand that time for I was not yet able to buy his bowl and spoon so we just content ourselves with an adult plastic bowl and a teaspoon. Migo had no problems with that. He finished one serving till I saw signs that he was full.

Giving solid food came so handy for us. Migo was ready for it that introducing solids to him was like giving him something familiar already. He knew how to open his mouth, get the food from the spoon, swallow, and push out some if he was already full. And with the tasteless lugaw? No problem with that too. It was a fuss-free first time experience for me and my baby.
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