Good morning!!
I already lost count of Migo's developments. Some was not even captured by cam for it happened so fast. I just found myself giving him solid food one Sunday morning and it was already finished when I remembered why I charged the camera battery. Damn!!
This month I discovered that he loves hugging his bolster pillow whil sleeping. He always had deep, peaceful sleep everytime he hugs it. And he loves lying on his right. That is one of the sleeping traits he got from me.
Migo also love the all-fours position. He would happily rock himself front and back when he is in this position.
Upper left tooth peeped already. One time he was laughing so hard that he opened his mouth real wide, there I saw the new member of the teeth family. And he was showing the same signs again: drooling, rubbing anything to soothe his gums, etc. And to add to that, he now learned how to bite. Ouch!!!